First of all: Happy new year!
This year, we have introduced thematic tracks to extend the common themes of EuroPLoP. Thematic track organizers will work hard on bringing together experts with an interest in the thematic track to push pattern research forward in this specific area. Besides the traditional themes of EuroPLoP (e.g., Software development, Software design and architecture, Software management and development processes, Human computer interaction, or Business and organizational questions) we will now host the following three thematic tracks:
"Pragmatic and systematic approaches in applying patterns"
Organized by Paris Avgeriou (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), Neil B. Harrison (Utah Valley University, USA), and Uwe Zdun (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Contact: Paris Avgeriou,
The application of the different types of patterns in practice has not met the expectations of the patterns community. Most practitioners are aware of the GoF patterns and some idioms in specific programming languages or platforms, but few of them work systematically with patters for architecture, analysis, process etc. The discipline of software engineering is significantly lacking in incorporating patterns in standardized and well-proven processes, methods, techniques and tools. This thematic track aims at studying the application of patterns in practice and enforcing the links between the patterns community and the practitioners. It envisions papers that present not only patterns but also their practical applications in real industrial projects, as well as papers on systematizing the application of patterns. It aims at stimulating a general discussion on how to disseminate the patterns literature more in the higher education and training. It hopes to provide visibility to research attempts for integrating patterns in software engineering industrial practices.
Patterns for Collaboration Technology and Processes
Organized by Stephan Lukosch (FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany), Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands), Gert-Jan de Vreede (Institute for Collaboration Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA) and Robert O. Briggs (Institute for Collaboration Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
Contact: Stephan Lukosch,
Designing collaboration technology and processes is a challenging task that often is poorly understood by practitioners. In particular, the design of collaboration technology and processes heavily depends on human factors. As such it is highly non-deterministic and complex as it has to consider the mutual understanding of the group members. The key challenge in these settings is twofold: a) how to design productive group processes for collaboration, and b) how to model, embed, or implement these group processes in computer technology and in the organization. Over the past years, various pattern based approaches have been developed to support the design of collaboration technology and processes. Early patterns for groupware development focussed on low-level issues, e.g., on infrastructures required to implement groupware. More recently, there is a growing interest in the definition and use of high-level patterns describing HCI issues in the context of groupware systems as well as patterns that focus on the design and facilitation of group processes, e.g. thinkLets. In this thematic track, we want to explore the characteristics and challenges of both high-level and low-level patterns for collaboration technology and processes.
Patterns for Tools and Pedagogies for Higher Education
Organized by Symeon Retalis (University of Piraeus, Greece) and Christian Kohls (KMRC – Knowledge Media Research Center, Tübingen, Gemany)
Contact: Symeon Retalis,
Design patterns are about educating novices so that they can act as experts. Naturally, they can also educate educators so that they improve their teaching. This can mean that patterns describe innovative best practice of teaching but it can also mean that patterns describe tools that support the interaction between teacher, learner, and the subject that should be learned.
This thematic track will bring together experts from two areas of pattern research. Professional educators are invited to submit patterns for designing and structuring courses and other learning episodes. Designers of learning tools (E-Learning, CSCL) and multimedia content can contribute their knowledge on how to support good pedagogy with technology.
The submission procedure for thematic tracks is the same as for general submissions. The submission deadline is February 18. Please contact the organizers of the thematic tracks for more details.
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