Friday, December 18, 2009

LaTeX for EuroPLoP submissions

For anyone preparing their final submissions using LaTeX, Juhola Arto has these helpful instructions:

Should any LaTeX/LyX user ask, these incantations worked for me (with LyX).
The special pagenumber is in the footer, centered, also, I placed the copyright notice in the last ch.

A LaTeX preamble for EuroPlop papers (with standard "article" document class):
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % T1-coded fonts (=ec)
\usepackage{mathptmx} % Selects Adobe Times Roman as the default text font

% These commands will generate the special footer for the pages after the title page
\fancyhf{} % Clears all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[C]{F1-\thepage} % The special footer definition
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % No decorative line after header regions
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} % No decorative line before footers

% This command generates the special footer for the title page.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

EuroPLoP 2009 workshop names and numbers

For anyone racing to submit their paper to for the conference proceedings, who just happens to have forgotten which workshop they were in, or what number their paper was, then... what you need is the workshops page from the conference website (click here).

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Submitting submissions

Postscript to the last blog entry.

Please use the online submissions system for sending your final submissions. This is the same system we used last year and will be available at shortly.

In the meantime if your paper is ready please e-mail it directly to Allan Kelly, with the copyright form.

EuroPLoP 2009 - Submissions to proceedings

The time has come to submit papers for the 2009 EuroPLoP proceedings. This year we will be placing our proceedings in the CEUR-WS online repository - see for more details.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 22 January 2010. This deadline is a cut-off date. Failure to submit a paper by this date will be taken to mean you do not wish to have your paper included in the proceedings.

If you would like your paper included in these proceedings you will need to do three things:
1. Revise your pre-conference paper with the feedback you received in the workshop at EuroPLoP 2009.
2. Format your paper accounting to these guidelines (a PDF download).
3. Complete and return this copyright release form (PDF download) to Allan Kelly.

Only papers which were reviewed in a writers workshop are eligible for inclusion. Papers included in the writing group but not taken to a workshop are not eligible for inclusion.

In addition reports from focus groups and open space discussions are also eligible for inclusion and should follow the same guidelines and copyright release procedure.

If you have any questions please contact: Allan Kelly, EuroPLoP 2009 Programme Chair,