The following e-mail has been send to all authors today:
I would like to remind you that next Monday (20 April) is the EuroPLoP deadline for second paper review. Please ensure you have uploaded a revised version of your paper to the EuroPLoP website by the close of Monday.
This can be done using the original submission site with the ID and password created when you submitted your original paper.
Once you have submitted your paper:
1. Please **CONTINUE working with your shepherd to improve the paper**. We expect authors and shepherds to continue work until 12 June.
2. Your revised paper will be reviewed for a second time by the conference PC (programme committee). Papers will be judged for quality and progress since the first submission. Based on this review we will issue firm acceptances to the conference - or possibly rejections.
3. Acceptances (or rejections) will be issued by 8 May. If your paper is accepted for the conference at least one author will be expected to register by 24 May. Failure to register by this date will be considered to as a withdraw of paper.
We are close to finalising the budget for this years conference and expect to announce the fee soon.
If you have any questions please contact either Michael Weiss (Conference Chair, or myself (Allan Kelly, Programme Chair,